Y.net - Tele Yemen  A Joint Venture Company established in 1990. TeleYemen's aims are to satisfy its customers by meeting their needs and delivering a quality service. y.net.ye
Sabafon Yemen  Mobile telephony company provides and delivers mobile services for Yemeni customers. sabafon.com
Ericsson - Yemen  Ericsson is a provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operating in Yemen. ericsson.com
Tele Yemen - Yemen Telecommunications Company  Official telecommunications authority in Yemen, offering telephone and telecommunications services and solutions. teleyemen.com.ye
MTN Yemen  GSM mobile phone operator in Yemen. Introduction, news, roaming, products and more. mtn.com.ye
Mobile Magazine, Yemen  Yemeni magazine specialized in covering articles and news about mobile phones, telecommunications and technology. yemenmobile.com
Yemen Mobile  Mobile telecommunication company, covering most regions in Yemen. Offers a range of mobile communication and messaging services. yemenmobile.com.ye
Maximum Telecom, Yemen  Providing telecommunication products and solutions in the Yemeni market. maximum-telecom.com