DNA Ancestry and Family Origin UAE Company in Dubai, UAE which aims to help the clients to discover their roots through genealogical research. dnaancestry.ae
Dubai Astronomy Group International astronomy group based in dubai, aims to promote the study of astronomy and related fields in the Middle East. dubaiastronomy.com
Dubai Biotechnology and Research Park Centre of excellence in biotechnology, bridging research, education, and industry through national and international collaboration. dubiotech.ae
Space Imaging Middle East (SIME) Geo-spatial and GIS solution provider in the Middle East offering photogrammetry to mapping GIS, 3D models, imagery analysis, reporting software and more. spaceimagingme.com
Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF), UAE Aims to encourage and support the scientific and technological research in the Arab countries. astf.net
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) Independent research institution dedicated to the promotion of professional research and educational excellence in the UAE and the Gulf Area. ecssr.ac.ae