United Arab Emirates Chess Federation  Website of UAE Chess Federation. News, tournaments, contact details and more. uaechess.com
Travian UAE  A browser game allowing you to play with thousands of real players, build up villages, wage wars, trade untroubled with neighbors and more. travian.ae
Dubai Chess and Culture Club, UAE  Website of Dubai Chess and Culture Club in UAE. History, tournaments, games, photos and more. dubaichess.ae
Infinity Chess, UAE  Online center for chess lovers in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Allows visitors to play chess games online, as well as participate in chess tournaments in UAE and worldwide. infinitychess.com
Nazara.ae Games Club  Mobile games developer and publisher in India, developing a range of branded and original mobile games for major telecom operators in UAE and worlwide, in addition to operating Games Club and social gaming services. nazara.ae
Tee & Putt Glow-In-The-Dark Mini Golf  An indoor mini golf course and recreation venue in Dubai, that introduced the glow-in-the-dark concept. Suitable for kids birthday parties and other celebrations, school events, family gatherings and more. teeandputt.com