Al-Zaid Blog  Blog created by Saudi software developer Saleh Al-Zaid. Deals with software, internet and technology news.
Muttawa - The Religious Policeman  Saudi man's diary of life in the Saudi Kingdom, with emphasis on the activities of the Religious Police.
Banat 6ash Blog  Blog site done by ten Saudi girls covering their stories, jokes, activities and more.
Chronicles of Arabia (CoA) Blog  Diary of 2 young Arabs living in Saudi Arabia with clashing personalities, a Saudi male and a non-Saudi female.
HapHazard Blog, Saudi Arabia  Blogg about events and news from Saudi Arabia.
Writings Without Limits, Saudi Arabia  Blog by Abdullah Al Saeed from Saudi Arabia, covering social, political, educational and economic issues.
Amjad Mahfouz Blog  Blog by Amjad Mahfoud, a creative director based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Posts related to media and general topics.