Arab Sites (1 - 13 of 13) |  Online results for secondary school students graduating from the final-year Tawjihi examinations. Just enter your name and school and find your results.
The British Council - Palestine  Information about the organization's activities, library and information centers in Palestine.
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center  Information on the center's activities. Includes Palestinian art, poetry and details of Palestinian artists. Monthly updates of Palestinian Cultural News.
Planet - Palestinian Academic Network  Educational Internet service provider in Palestine, linking universities, colleges as well as schools with the world wide web. It also links research centers and non-governmental organizations.
Qattan Foundation Palestine  Aims to serve culture and education in Palestine and the Arab World.
LibDex: The Library Index - Palestine  Listing of academic libraries in Palestine.
Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs  An Arab non-profit institution located in Jerusalem/Al-Quds with a financially and legally independent status. It is not affiliated with any government, political party or organization.
Bethlehem Bible College, Palestine  An interdenominational Christian Bible college, located in Bethlehem, Palestine.
Palestinian Curriculum Development Center  Website of the Palestinian Curriculum Development Center at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Palestine Students Forum  Online forum for Palestinian students worldwide to discuss education and other Palestine related issues.
Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation (HQSF)  A not-for-profit foundation, creates opportunities through scholarships and other educational enhancements for young Palestinians, with the expectation that they will reciprocate by working to foster and augment Palestinian society.
Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) - Library  Information about the Library at the Polytechnic University in Palestine. Information, mission, activities, staff and more.
Tamer Institute Palestine  Educational, non-governmental and non-profit organization that helps people learn and become productive.