Arab Sites (16 - 21 of 21) |
Earth Time Group Lebanon Privately owned firm specialized in providing consulting and contracting services in the field of earth and environmental sciences.
Sukomi Company Lebanon Part of Averda Group company for maintaining waste treatment plants as well as designing, operating and monitoring of landfills in Lebanon.
Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve Lebanon Website of Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve in North Lebanon. Location, photos, activities, membership, staff and more.
Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve (JMBR), Lebanon Association for the protection of Jabal Moussa that provides a core zone to expert visits and research, a buffer zone where ecotourism activities take place, and a transition zone that involves more human activities and human use of land.
Jouzour Loubnan Team Aims to participate in the restoration of Lebanese woodland and promote sustainable forestation in arid regions.
Operation Big Blue Association (OBBA), Lebanon Lebanese non-governmental organization based in Beirut, Lebanon. Strives for social welfare, education, environmental sciences and community improvement.