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Arab Sites (1 - 10 of 10) |
Jordan International Insurance Company Insurance company in Jordan, member of Jordan International Investment Group. Provides medical, life, marine, motor and general property insurance in Jordan. jiig.com
National Health Insurance Administration Co Offers quality care at an affordable cost. Services include health insurance consultation and system setup and integration. nathealth.net
Jordan Insurance Co. Services include marine insurance, general accidents insurance, engineering insurance, public liabilities insurance, motor insurance and fire insurance. jicjo.com
Jordan French Insurance Co. Ltd Leading insurance company in Jordan. jofico.com
Arab Jordanian Insurance Group An insurance provider, offering a wide range of insurance services: medical, life and savings, property, motor, construction, marine, fire and general accidents. ajig.com
Jerusalem Insurance Co. Jerusalem Insurance Co. jerco.com
Middle East Insurance Co. Insurance services cover life and health, motor, travel, fire, marine, engineering and general accidents. The company has a branch in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. meico.com.jo
Al-Nisr Al-Arabi Insurance Co.Ltd. Handles all types of insurance, including life, medical, marine, fire and motor insurance. al-nisr.com
Arab Assurers Jordan Website of the Arab Assurers Company in Amman, Jordan. arabassurers.jo
The Islamic Insurance Company, Jordan Insurance comapny based in Amman, Jordan. Providing travel, car, fire and general accident insurance and more. islamicinsurance.jo