Arab Sites (1 - 13 of 13) |
The British Council - Jordan  Information about the organization's activities, library and information centers in Jordan.
The Scientific Foundation of Hisham Adeeb Hijjawi  A foundation supporting technical and applied sciences education. Provides grants and an annual award to researchers and scientists.
LibDex: The Library Index - Jordan  Listing of academic libraries in Jordan.
The Association of Arab Private Institutions for Higher Education  A non-profit, non-governmental organization. Aims at enhancing Arab national development and reinforcing the relationship among Arab private institutions for higher education and the private sector.
Bridge International for Academic Services  Collaborates with a number of reputable British universities to facilitate the enrollment of students from the Arab World.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Cambridge Information Technology Skills, Jordan  Member of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization aims to prepare candidates for the Cambridge IT skills award tests.
Injaz Organization, Jordan  Specialized in offering economic education for future generations in Jordan.
Oval Office for Studies and Research, Jordan  Aims to serve Jordanian and Arab students who wants to continue their studies at Australian and New Zealand universities.
Madrasati - Enhancing Education Environment, Jordan  Aims to enrich education environment and enhance opportunities for school children in Jordan and the Arab world.
National Library of Jordan  Covers information about the National Library of Jordan.
IEPEC - International Exams & Programmes Educational Center  Center in Amman, Jordan offering international educational programs to students, teachers and schools according to their needs.
Al-Awa2el, Jordan  Arabic educational website, features information and resources for students in Jordan.
Saudi Cultural Attache in Jordan  Information about the cultural attache of the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) in Jordan.