Abu Ghazaleh Translation, Distribution and Publishing Jordan  Part of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization offering translation, distribution and publishing services in all the Arab countries. tagtdp.com
Schema Tactical Thinking Jordan  Provides advice on corporate governance and corporate responsibility practices and principles in Amman, Jordan. schematt.com
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Translation, Distribution and Publishing, Jordan  Member of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization. Services include legal, technical, scientific and professional translation, training, interpretation and website localization. tagtranslate.com
Dar Ibn Khaldun, Jordan  Translation agency based in Amman, Jordan. Offers professional language translation services, as well as financial and technical translations. daribnkhaldun.co
Quality First Translation and Design, Jordan  Translation and design company based in Jordan. Offers design and multilingual translational services for local, regional and international organizations, bodies and companies in Jordan. qualityfirstgroup.com
Dar Ibn Khaldun Translation Agency, Jordan  Provides legal, financial and technical translation services to and from Arabic and other world languages. Based in Amman, Jordan. daribnkhaldun.com