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Jordan Business Associations
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Jordan Engineers Association Go
Aims at organizing the engineering practices, upgrading the engineers professional and scientific level and participating in studies of inter-Arab nature.

Government Tenders Directorate Go
Provides information on tenders for the public sector in Jordan. Also provides live broadcast for tenders openings.

Talal Abu Ghazaleh International (TAGI) Jordan Go
Member of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization offers accounting, external auditing and taxation services in the Arab Region.

Microfund for Women Go
A leading microfinance institution serving poor women in rural and urban areas. Information about the financial products, client activities, clients and partners.

ICC Jordan Go
International Chamber of Commerce in Jordan.

Amman Chamber of Commerce Go
A non-profit organization that represents the interests of trade firms in Amman and surrounding areas.

Amman Chamber of Industry Go
Provides information about the Jordanian economy in general and the industrial sector in particular. The site also provides access to ACI's extensive database of Jordan's industrial establishments.

Jordan Export Development and Commercial Centres Corporation Go
Exploring potential markets for the Jordanian products, developing technical capabilities of the Jordanian manufacturers, and encouraging export oriented foreign investment and joint-ventures.

Jordan Society of Tourist and Travel Agents Go
Represents travel agencies locally and internationally, and provides training and consultation service to its members.

Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce Go
Provides an umbrella for 15 Chambers of Commerce located in the major cities and districts of Jordan.

Jordanian Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Appliances Go
A private, non-profit association aiming to support, develop and upgrade the Jordanian pharmaceutical industry. Provides technical assistance and a data base to its members.

Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association Go
Professional business association playing a leading role in promoting Jordan.

Jordan Royal Ecological Diving Society Go
Aims at the conservation, rehabilitation and enhancement of the marine eco-system in the gulf of Aqaba. The site features information about activities, projects and membership.

Jordan GATE Association Go
Website of the Jordan Garments, Accessories and Textiles Exporters Association. Non-profit, private sector initiative established to drive industry growth.

Jordan Construction Contractors Association (JCCA) Go
Official website of the Construction Contractors Association in Jordan. Profile, laws, regulations, news, photos and more.

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