Unimedica - United Medical Company Iraq  Iraqi medical company distributing medical goods, medical equipments and surgery tools for hospitals, laboratories and more. unimedica.net
Unitech International Medical and laboratory equipment firm operating in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. Provides a range of equipment and services in genetics, biotechnology, analytical, forensic and research. Authorized distributor of Life Technologies and Agilent Technologies. unitech.com.lb
AIX Global, Iraq  A U.S. company, provides medical equipment and supplies to Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. aixglobal.com
Oma International Trading Company, Iraq  Scientific and medical equipment trading compay in Iraq. Specialized in marketing and supplying of laboratory equipment and instruments. omatrade.com
Al-Assad Scientific Bureau, Iraq  supplying and supporting the Iraqi market with devices, drugs, and medical supplies for the improvement of human health in Iraq. alassad.biz