Archaeology Magazine - Iraq  Iraq related archaeology articles, books, studies and resources.
World Heritage Sites - Iraq  Detailed information about Iraq cities and sites that are listed on the Unesco World Heritage list.
British School of Archaeology in Iraq  Founded in 1932, the BSAI is concerned with Iraq, the northern Gulf and Mesopotamian Syria.
Oriental Institute - Diyala Project Object Photos  A pre-publication work on a two-volume set that will complete the presentation of base data from the 1930-38 in the Diyala River basin of northeast of Baghdad.
Oriental Institute - The Nippur Expedition  A description of University of Chicago excavations at Nippur. Includes: annual reports, articles and images.
Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project  Project collecting all published and non-published Assyrian texts to make them available on-line.
Oriental Institute - Khorsabad Excavations  A report of the excavations by the Oriental Institute at Khorsabad from 1928 to 1935.
The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire  A research tool that makes this large body of information accessible to Assyriologists and scholars in related fields.