Urology and Nephrology Center - Mansoura University, Egypt  International center founded in 1983. Under the management of Dr. Mohamed A. Ghoneim. unc.edu.eg
Taheal Neuro-Rehabilitation Center, Egypt  Specialized neuro-rehabilitation center in Egypt, comprises a team of professional neurologists, physical therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and more. taheal.com
Dr Ashraf Sabry Obgyn and Fertility Clinic, Egypt  Egyptian obstetrician and gynecologist. Website includes biography and contact details. drashrafsabry.com
Cairo Oncology Center, Egypt  A private oncology outpatient center, established in 1993 and headed by Professor Hamdy Azim. cairocure.com
Sleep Care Clinic, Egypt  Center for healing sleep disorders based in Cairo, Egypt. Offers clinical consultation services, full sleep study services (Polysomnography) and more. sleepcareclinic.com
Oncology Clinic (OC) - Dr Mohamed Abdulla, Egypt  Cancer care center based in Egypt. Provides principles and practice of cancer diagnosis and management. Founded by Dr. Mohamed Abdulla. oncologyclinic.org
Specialized Universal Network of Oncology (SUN), Egypt  Cancer care center in Alexandria, Egypt. Specialized in cancer screening, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. suncure.net