140 Online  The official telephone directory of Egypt. 140online.com
Egyptian Trading Directory  Business directory aimed at importers and exporters. Includes contact details for each listed business. egtrade.com
Green Business Guide of Egypt  Directory of service industrial and foreign trade companies in Egypt. green.guide.online.fr
Egypt Yellow Pages  Business directory for Egypt. Provides phone numbers, addresses, and other business information. yellowpages.com.eg
Makatbi Business Directory  Online directory for businesses in Egypt. makatbi.com
Digital Egypt Information Portal  Providing a web based information portal powered by GIS. Search for real estate and properties, find businesses, locate streets and landmarks, view photographs, measure distances and obtain point coordinates and more. digitaleg.com
Egypt Business Directory  Directory of Egyptian firms with company profiles, press releases, tenders, jobs and management news operating from Cairo, Egypt. egypt-business.com
Ain Arabia, egypt  Global b2b marketplace and trade website, where businesses can view offers to buy, post offers to sell, and view companies directories. ainarabia.com
Government Procurement Portal, Egypt  Official public procurement portal in Egypt. Provides solutions for government tenders and auctions. etenders.gov.eg