The Uk Arabian Horse Breeders Directory  The stud book authority for Pure-Bred and Anglo Arab horses in the UK.
Ornithological Society of the Middle East (OSME)  Features information about the organization, birds, birdwatching, and conservation in the Middle East.
The Arabian Horse Network  An online directory of Arabian horse farms and related equine sites, classifieds, stallions, organizations.
Animal Care & Pets Books Find books about animal care & pets from Amazon.
World Arabian Horse Organization  Official World Arabian Horse Organization Web Page, consortium of countries worldwide who oversee the trading between nations of the Arabian Horse.
Arab Vetenary  Provides animal care services, animal news, information, photos and more.
The Arabian Magazine  Dedicated to Arabian horse lovers and owners. Published every six weeks.
Pets ME  A pet classifieds website for the Middle East. Allows users to search for and list pets of different breeds for sale or adoption. Also, includes a pet food and accessories store, as well as pet care advice and a list of veterinarians.