- Banks (Financial Services)
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American Life Insurance Company (ALICO), Middle East  International insurance company operating in Middle East. global.metlife.com
Swan International Assistance (SIA) An international travel insurance and assistance company, offering travelers around the world with a range of insurance, medical and non-medical assistance services, including travel insurance, medical insurance, travel assistance and advisor services. siassistance.com
Insurance Books Find books about insurance from Amazon. amazon.com
Arabic Insurance  Provides advice and information on the Arabic insurance market. arabicinsurance.com
Crescent Global Group  Insurance company provides specialist insurance and reinsurance services and risk consulting in the Middle East region. crescentglobal.com
Now Health International  International health insurance provider with regional offices in UAE. Provides a range of insurance services in various sectors. Specialized coverage plans for individuals, families and companies. now-health.com
Nasco Middle East  An insurance brokerage firm with offices in UAE, Qatar, KSA, Lebanon, Kuwait and Jordan. Insurance solutions include individual/group insurance, marine cargo and hull insurance, motor insurance, life and medical insurance, liability insurance and more. nascomiddleeast.com