Middle East Economic Survey Weekly newsletter covering oil, gas, finance, banking and politics in the Middle East. mees.com
The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) An assistance program that works on creating partnerships between America and the citizens of the Middle East and North Africa to empower them to build more pluralistic, participatory, and prosperous societies throughout the region. mepi.state.gov
Economics Books Find books about economics from Amazon. amazon.com
Economic Reasearch Forum Independent regional network of economists, policy makers and businessmen. erf.org.eg
Al Bank Al Dawli Source of financial and technical assistance working in order to develop the economy and reduce poverty in the Arab countries. albankaldawli.org
Arab Regional Center for Entrepreneurship & Investment Training Development program aims to help entrepreneurs in the Arab world, provided by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Bahraini Government and the Inter Regional Center for Entrepreneurship and Investment Training of India. arceit.org