Le Soir d'Algerie Algerian French journal. lesoirdalgerie.com
Algeria Official Journal Provides direct access to the published issues of official journals of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. joradp.dz
Le Quotidien d'Oran Online daily newspaper covering Algerian news in French language. quotidien-oran.com
Archaeology Magazine - Algeria Algeria related archaeology articles, books, studies and resources. archaeology.org
Algeria Watch Germany Information on human rights issues in Algeria. In French and German. algeria-watch.de
Echorouk Online, Algeria Online magazine covering Algeria, business, world, and sports news, and more. echoroukonline.com
Annals of Legacy Periodical published by the Faculty of Letters and Arts at the University of Mostaganem in Algeria. annales.univ-mosta.dz
Revue de Sante Magazine, Algeria A free online health and medical magazine targeting the French speaking population in Algeria and other Arab countries. Offering daily medical and health related news, releases, updates, reports, recommendations and more. revuedesante.com